Fusion FC NKY Select Program

Fusion FC Select Teams ARE designated Green, Black AND WHITE based on their development

  • Academy is the designation for the U09 age group due to pooled Player process in their 1st Season of Select level play
  • Green teams must play in leagues and divisions required by the Club
  • All U11+ Green teams must participate in a KYSA State Cup tournament or Regional League with a Playoff Pathway
  • U10 Green teams will participate in an upper level Spring tournament approved by their DOC.
Register for 2025/26 Seasonal Year Tryouts

2024-25 Select Program Summary

Full program breakout available below

Player commitments are for a Full Seasonal Year with training and game play generally occurring during Aug-Oct and March-May for U09-U14. U15-U19 teams begin training and game play in November and go through May.

  • League play will typically consist of 8 games in the Fall and again in the Spring. Our typical team path (based on readiness) is KPL Academy -> CPL -> BPYSL and/or KPL -> GLA
  • Overview of the leagues teams in which teams may participate.
  • KSSL is comprised of teams from around the state of Kentucky (Kentucky Select Soccer League)
  • CPL is generally comprised of teams from around Greater Cincinnati and a few outlying areas (Cardinal Premier League)
  • BPYSL is comprised of teams from Greater Cincinnati, Dayton, and Columbus areas. All matches are played at neutral sites to limit travel time (Buckeye Premier Youth Soccer League)
  • KPL is comprised of teams from the entire state of Kentucky. Teams must be approved or qualify to play in this league (Kentucky Premier League)
  • KPL Academy (U09/U10) is comprised of teams from the entire state of Kentucky. Clubs in the league may choose to participate in a travel or regional friendly format (KPL Academy)
  • GLA is a US Club National Premier League, covering Ohio, Indiana, Western New York as well as Western and Central Pennsylvania (Great Lakes Alliance)
  • GLC is one of 13 conferences part of the US Youth Soccer National League pathway (Great Lakes Conference)
  • 2-4 tournaments/showcases at per year depending on age group
  • 2-3 training sessions per week

Placement onto, and movement among, teams will always be based on player readiness determined by the Fusion FC Coaching Staff.

For Select program questions please reach out to the following:

And for Recreational program questions, 

U09 Academy

  • Two training sessions per week led by a Nationally licensed Coach/Trainer
  • One grass and one artificial turf surface
  • League play (KYSA U09 Academy or CPL)
  • Two tournaments
  • Techne Futbol training app
  • All other fees (Registration, League, State Ins, Referee, Nationally Licensed Coach Expense, Training Facility/Game Field)


Green, Black & WHITE

  • Two to three training sessions per week led by a Nationally licensed Coach/Trainer
  • One to two grass and one artificial turf surface
  • League play (CPL, TPL, BPYSL, OSSL, GLA, KSSL, KPL, GLC)
  • Four tournaments
  • Goalkeeper training
  • Techne Futbol training app
  • U14
  • Veo camera system to record and analyze matches and training (https://www.veo.co/us/)
  • All other fees (Registration, League, State Ins, Referee, Nationally Licensed Coach Expense, Training Facility/Game Field)


Green, Black & WHITE

  • Two to three training sessions per week led by a Nationally licensed Coach/Trainer
  • One to two grass and one artificial turf surface
  • League play (CPL, TPL, BPYSL, OSSL, GLA, KSSL, KPL, GLC)
  • Three tournaments or showcases
  • Winter training in November/December
  • Goalkeeper training
  • Techne Futbol training app
  • Veo camera system for EVERY team to record and analyze matches and training (https://www.veo.co/us/)
  • Access and discounts to NCSA (Next College Student Athlete) recruiting and recruiting education programs (https://www.ncsasports.org/)
  • All other fees (Registration, League, State Ins, Referee, Nationally Licensed Coach Expense, Training Facility/Game Field)

2024-25 Seasonal Year (Select Player Fees)

Age Player Fee Deposit Installment Option Per Month*
U09 Academy $900.00 $100.00 $100.00
U10-U14 Select $1,100.00 $200.00 $112.50
U11-U14 Select Green $1,150.00 $250.00 $112.50
U15-U19 Select $950.00 $200.00 $93.75
U15-U19 Select Green $1,000.00 $250.00 $93.75

Mandatory Uniform Kit is not included in Player Fees, expect approximately $175

3 Jersey Tops, 1 Pair of Shorts, 3 Pairs of Socks, & 1 Training Top

*Installment Options 

8 Month Payment Option

**Select soccer is a full seasonal year commitment**

Deposits are non-refundable.

Any U09-U14 family exiting the Club mid-year will be responsible for 50% of the Seasonal Year Fee,
plus a $150 penalty for early exit.

Any U15-U19 family exiting the Club mid-year will be responsible for a $150 penalty for early exit.

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